CanLit-sticle: If Canadian Books were Listicles

CanLit-sticle: If Canadian Books were Listicles

  1. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
    57 times the patriarchy was the absolute goddamn worst

  2. Fifth Business by Robertson Davies
    The 8 best magical powers, ranked

  3. The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence
    14 reasons your grandmother is cooler than you

  4. Barney’s Version by Mordecai Richler
    3 very good reasons to never get married

  5. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
    27 times an erstwhile orphan improved the world around her, red hair notwithstanding

  6. Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald
    6 relatives every crazy family has in common

  7. Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen
    30 bad words you learned from your big sister

  8. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler
    6 side hustles that will change your life

  9. Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock
    The 12 people you’ll meet when you move to a small town

  10. Bear by Marian Engel
    6 reasons to open up and discover your wild side